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Improvements regarding refused reservations and cancelled options

Update Reservation software 16 June 2020

In this update general improvements have been implemented regarding refused reservations and reservations with the status option cancelled.

Reservations with the status refused or option cancelled in our reservation software...

  • (..) from now on have no rate rules, options/surcharges or transaction costs.
  • (..) from now on have a total amount of 0, the amount due is negative if a refund has not been completely done. This makes the overview a lot clearer.
  • (..) in some cases did not have a correct status (for instance waiting for payment) if these were linked to a group reservation and the administration has been updated.
  • (..) in some case have not sent an email, the option Email now also shows the template for reservation refused and the option cancelled.
  • (..) do not have an option for checking in or out.
  • (..) are no longer visible in the overview open reservations.